Sunday, October 29, 2023

Farewell, Avon SG copy

Many years ago, I wrote the following about one of my guitars: In the spring of 1976, when my little rock group got underway, I bought a Gibson SG copy from a shop on the Kilburn High Road. I played this guitar for many years, whenever an electric was needed, but slowly my usage decreased. After all, I am an acoustic guitar player. There was also a problem with the bridge which was causing intonation problems; I had this corrected, but never really used the guitar after that. The guitar is lying under my bed, untouched for several years. 

Then a few months ago, I wrote with regard to the music group, I used my venerable SG copy guitar as this is very light as compared to the Washburn semi-acoustic. I discovered that the neck pickup doesn't work (probably a wiring fault) so my sound was very tinny and not what I wanted. Next time I'll take the Washburn. The other guitarist has a real Gibson SG!  Of course, the Stagg Tele that I bought six weeks ago is intended to take the place of this guitar.

Why am I writing this? This morning I saw a note (posted yesterday) on our virtual kibbutz noticeboard asking for guitars that can be donated to the evacuees from the kibbutzim on the Gaza border. It took me a few moments for the penny to drop that I do indeed have a guitar that I have no need for, and I would only too pleased to know that someone is using it to make music so to make their lives more bearable. Only after delivering the guitar to the collection point and returning home did I realise that I also should have donated the pocket amplifier along with a guitar lead. As I noted then, the cost of this amplifier is negligible, but the value that it would provide would be far more.

Many people throughout Israel have donated clothes and food, but these have no sentimental value at all. There are many memories wrapped up in the SG copy - the memories will remain with or without the guitar. I can only hope that someone will create more happy memories with it.

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
10829/10/2007New computerComputer
51729/10/2012Remixing songs and playing liveMIDI, Guitars, Antibes
77029/10/2014Importing purchase ordersProgramming, ERP
89929/10/2015Vinyl log 24 - 29 OctoberVan der Graaf Generator, 1975, Vinyl log
154229/10/2022The 8-puzzleProgramming, Puzzles

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