Friday, October 13, 2023

Time out

I want to take a time out from what is happening here in Israel at the moment and mention a few other personal things.

In yesterday's post I discovered that I had been sent a letter from the Ministry for Social Equity: it contained my 'senior citizen' card, as pictured on the left. This possibly entitles me to a reduction in local authority 'rates' but also allows me to attend lectures and other activities held at a local senior citizens centre.

Although I have reached the nominal pension age, I am not entitled to receive an old age pension yet, because I am still working and my gross salary is above 8,000 NIS. From a financial point of view, it's better to continue working and receive my salary rather than to retire and receive an old age pension along with a monthly payment from my retirement fund. The old age pension is paid regardless of income to all who are 70 years old (and above), so in three years' time, I will be eligible for this. To me, it's slightly amusing and askew, but someone who delays receiving their pension for whatever reason will receive a higher pension than someone who retires at 67 (or 62 if you are a woman). 

The irony of it all is that I don't feel like a senior citizen; I have amended this blog's subtitle to be "I'm not 67 years old, but rather 22 years old with 45 years' experience", which is something that I saw once on a t-shirt. Let's hope that my physical and mental capabilities carry on as they are for many more years.

About two weeks ago, I wrote about completing the "7/4 song", aka "The great escape". The arrangement was somewhat bombastic and featured several innovations (at least, for me), including several tracks for drums, some of which were panned and some not; the snare track had an echo that created an interesting effect. But listening to the song repeatedly (propably hearing it in my head and not so much listening to it) caused me to doubt the suitability of the arrangement; maybe something lighter would be better. So a few days ago I started with a copy of the then final MIDI file, then ripped out several instruments, including the drums and arppegiators, but leaving a few. I then rebuilt the arrangement in a different style, although the solos remain. After having completed this second version (that also went through a few iterations), I am now uncertain as to which version is better; I shall let time decide.

The song can be heard here.

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
13913/10/2008Fotheringay 2Sandy Denny, Fotheringay
64013/10/2013TasksProgramming, Delphi
126513/10/2019Acting like an MBA (a 'suit')Personal, MBA

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