Tuesday, October 20, 2020

DBA update

Finally some news! The DBA coordinator informed me a few days ago that a tentative date for my viva exam has been set - 26 November. Apparently the external examiner had been unwell for some time (I don't know whether this was due to Covid-19 or something else, and it doesn't really matter).

Coincidentally, someone approached me via LinkedIn: it transpires that this person completed his doctorate at EBS earlier in the year, with his viva taking place via Zoom (or similar). When I informed him that I now have a tentative date and that I was going to start rereading the thesis, he pointed out that the examiners will probably ask about things that aren't in the thesis.

As it happens, I spent a few weeks at the end writing about topics that might have been expected to appear in the interviews but didn't (section 7.6, data lacunae) as well as hindsights obtained after completing the research and thesis (this section refers to section 7.6), so these sections should be good preparation.

Incidentally, the person from LinkedIn has chosen an unorthodox abbreviation for his doctorate: DrBA instead of DBA. This is a good idea as it differentiates between a DoctoR of Business Administration and a DataBase Administrator. In my line of work, I'm more likely to encounter the second type of person.

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