Monday, October 12, 2020


In July, I wroteDuring the lockdown, I noticed that my feet - especially the right foot - were swelling up, and it was painful to move them. Although that extreme swelling has not returned, I still see every evening that my right foot is somewhat inflexible. It often happens that by the time I return home from work, my feet and legs are like two blocks of wood. Fortunately, exercise - walking the dog - helps, as do my sport shoes, so I don't suffer so much in the evenings.

The final stage in the diagnostic sequence was a visit to a cardiologist. He asked me all kinds of questions, looked at the list of medications that I take and examined the various test results. His opinion is that the swelling is a side effect of one of the medications for lowering blood pressure, and so his recommendation is to stop taking the medication. The daily swelling should cease in a day or two. Of course, I also have to monitor my blood pressure: if it starts rising then I will have to see my GP who will recommend new medication. It will be very easy to see whether his opinion is correct.

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