Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Return of the mobile

I wrote a few weeks ago about the fall which my home mobile computer suffered, and about the need to restore all its data. I received the computer last night with Windows 10 (instead of Windows 8.1) and several other programs installed, and immediately set about the process of restoring data.

I was most worried about the video files from our trips abroad in the past few years. On the external disk drive I found files upto and including 2016 (as well as many directories of music and books). For some unknown reason, the computer refused to recognise the camcorder when connected via USB, but I remembered that the camcorder has a memory card installed, so I extracted the card, connected it to the computer and transferred what was stored there - all the video files from our 2018 trip. So the material from Rhodos 2017 is lost.

The moral of the story: video files should not be deleted from the memory card in the camera, and they should also be backed up to the external drive.

[Edit from a week later: The problem with the camcorder was due to my faulty memory, rather than anything else. I forgot that the camera has two modes: recording and viewing. Once I changed mode to viewing, the USB connection worked perfectly fine and I could download the files.

Further edit from 27/05/19: it seems that there is a problem with the USB ports on the computer. Every evening I would have great trouble in connecting the camera so that I could download the files. Now that I am home, I'm going to extract the card and transfer the final files this way.]

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