Thursday, August 03, 2023

67 years old!

I have now reached the nominal retirement age in Israel. Over the past few months, I received messages from various pension funds where I have money stored, telling me what to do should I wish to start receiving my pension now. At the moment, I intend to work for another few years until 70, at which time I'll take stock again.

When I was younger, 67 years old would have seemed ancient, but now that I'm here, I can't say that I feel much different from what I did 10 or 20 or even 30 years ago. Definitely more experienced and calmer, but otherwise, I still feel like a young man inside. Certainly there has been no cognitive slowing. Apart from my calf muscles saying that they are tired (a recent development that may be temporary), I feel fine.

My wife is taking me (and herself) to the Dead Sea for a long weekend. This will give us a chance to relax, and hopefully the various waters there will help my calf muscles.

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