Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Half truths and outright lies

Last night, we had the dubious pleasure of watching on television a press briefing by Israel's prime minister, ostensibly about the security situation. When he started with a tirade against the previous government for making an agreement with Lebanon and/or Hizballa about the disputed gas fields off the coast, I knew that there was no point in continuing to listen to his combination of half-truths, outright lies and the incapability of recognising that maybe he has made mistakes.

At the end, there was a question and answer session; I would have liked to ask the following questions 

  • For how long are you going to blame the previous government (that existed for barely a year) for all of Israel's problems? When are you going to take responsibility yourself?
  • Endlessly you repeat that you and your supporters were given a clear mandate by the electorate ... for reforming (or ruining) the legal system. Do you remember that your election message was about fixing the cost of living? And that the legal system was not mentioned? When are you going to do something about the cost of living?
  • Again, you claim that the number of terrorist attacks doubled under the previous government. Please explain how it has doubled and trebled since your government was sworn in.
  • As you say, you were given a clear mandate. How do you explain the fact that your ratings in opinion polls is very bad? How have you managed to do so badly in such a short time?

I bare my buttocks to you.

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
2811/04/2006Sitting shiv'aTV series, Obituary, William and Mary
24211/04/2010Driving lessonsFilms, Diane Keaton
24311/04/2010Surprised and pleasedOrganisation behaviour, MBA
57111/04/2013Speeding up ExcelProgramming, Office automation
94211/04/2016Farewell to Sorrento (2016/6)Holiday, Sorrento, Italy
94311/04/2016Coda: Rome airport (2016/7)Mobile phone, Holiday
112011/04/2018Troubles with trainsTrains
149211/04/2022Our son got married!Personal

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