Saturday, August 03, 2024

Birthday blues

In one of the minority of my songs where the words are more important than the music, I wrote the following lyric eight years ago.

There was a time when the sky was grey And nothing seemed to go your way That was the time when hope withdrew And friends faded from your view The word was out that your shares were down No wonder you always wore a frown You thought that nothing could go right You'd struggle hard but would lose the fight Take a breath and look around Smell the breeze and hear the sound Of rustling wind and birds in trees Life's not as bad as you think it seems Take your chances one by one Make your winnings as they come See the possibilities In living as you choose to please Times change, options arise Go forth and take life on a high This is the year when your dreams come true When worries vanish like the morning dew This is the year when it all works out When finally you can banish doubt This is the year for having fun When you show the world all the work you've done This is the year you reach your goal When you claim the prize and redeem your soul

Of course, the 'you' of the song is me. Maybe there were some years in which the final verse was relevant, but these days I feel as if I've reverted to the existence defined in the first verse. This certainly isn't the year for having fun, I didn't get the chance to show the world all the work I've done, I didn't reach my goal and I definitely did not claim the prize. Maybe I have redeemed my soul because after all, I am a good person and I have done many good things.

Leaving aside the geopolitics of the past month and year, this has been a very hot summer and we still have another month and a half to go before more temperate weather will arrive. I find the constant heat (most days between 32°C and 36°C at 12 pm) extremely debilitating and I postpone my evening walk until 7 pm, when the sun is lower in the sky although it's still around 30°C.

I am 68 years old today. I should update the description of this blog to "I'm not 68 years old, but rather 22 years old with 46 years' experience". I was making some notes for a new song a week ago, "when I was young, I had the future planned ….. nothing has turned out the way I expected, not much has turned out the way I had wanted". But at the moment I can't achieve the mental state required for writing lyrics. I also don't have any music. 

I'm not grumpy; it's just the constant heat that is reducing my mental capacity.

Healthwise I'm fine as is my wife, but the health of three close family members is worrying, thus taking a hefty mental price from us.

I logged into GMail this morning and noticed balloons floating across my profile picture!

This day in history:

Blog #
Tuna mousseCooking
Kindle problemsKindle
Musicians that I have heard of who share my birthdayPersonal
My life as multiples of 11Personal
67 years old!Personal
Middle England, and Israeli partitionIsrael, Personal

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