Sunday, August 18, 2024

More about yesterday's YouTube listens

First: The Doors. I dug out my cassette mixtape dating from 1975/6 and listened to parts of 'The End'. As I suspected, the obscene lyrics in the double time section towards the end were not audible; I think that Elizabeth must have been listening to a remixed version. Other versions of 'The End' or its parent album available on YouTube have the vocals of this section at different levels. Going to the cassette was the closest that I could get to a time capsule version. I also thought that the volume of Ray's organ had been reduced.

'The Yes Album': at the youth club that I attended in those days (I'm sure I've written about it but I can't find the reference at the moment), this was a hot item and constantly played. I lent it to Andy V. who eventually returned it slightly warped. I used to use 'Yours is no disgrace' as a test for stereo systems due to the amount of panning involved.

Andy was my 'patrol leader' (is that what they are called?) in the Scouts when I graduated from the cubs, so we sort of knew each other prior to my joining the youth club at the beginning of 1970. Of course, he was a couple of years older than me and acted rough (despite going to one of the three direct grant grammar schools in Bristol, but not mine) so I was always wary of him. I was quite relieved when he left Bristol in late 1972 to go to university, leaving me with a year without him at the youth club (1972-3).

It must have been Andy who invited me to play football on The Downs on Sunday afternoons in late 1969/early 1970. I have a memory of being in the bath, washing off the mud, whilst listening to the radio playing the Keef Hartley band. From the football came the introduction to the youth club.

This day in history:

Blog #
Continuing the family traditionPersonal
What I did on my weekendDBA, Cooking, Walking, Swimming

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