Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The amazing race

One of the Israeli TV channels broadcasts a reality show called 'the race to the million', a licensed version of the American TV show, 'The amazing race'. The prize from the American show is $1 million dollars, whereas the winners of the Israeli show win only NIS 1 million (about four times less) and in reality, only NIS 750,000 after tax is paid. Such is life. This is the only reality show that I can watch parts of without breaking out with a rash. This is not the sort of TV programme that I would normally write about, but the current episodes display a puzzle that I thought I would share here.

There are three jerrycans: one holding 10 litres, one holding 7 litres and one holding 3 litres. The 10 litre jerrycan is full of petrol. The puzzle is to obtain one jerrycan holding 5 litres petrol (without spilling any, of course).

As can be seen, this blog uses a 'spoiler' button. I had great difficulty with getting this to work; as far as I can understand, the button works when viewed after 'publication', which is what all visitors to the blog can see. But the button doesn't work when I am writing the blog nor when I am previewing it. I'm leaving this note to myself for the next time that I use a 'spoiler' button.

This day in history:

Blog #
Graduation showFairport Convention, Canterbury sound, Bar mitzva, Music festivals
Road 38 is brought into the 21th century!Personal
Night walking (2)Walking
Back to the graveyardKibbutz, Father

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