Friday, August 30, 2024

Books (new song)

Friday afternoon: as for a change I had a few hours with no demands on my time, I thought that I would stop procrastinating and settle down to write the words for the song1 whose music I put together at the beginning of the month. I had, in fact, managed to write four lines last week that fit the rhythm of the song and made sense; when I started listening to the music suddenly more words popped into my mind and before I knew it, I had completed a verse.

Although it wasn't my original intention, the lyrics are about books: the first verse fiction, the second verse non-fiction, featuring such lines as
Science books keep me on my toes
There's always something new to learn
From biology to chemistry
Nutrition has to wait its turn

The final verse is about my total dependency on books ('my dearest friend/my constant companion'). Tomorrow I'll make a demo recording of the song with vocals; I may improve the words here and there, and I may record a new vocal at a later stage. It's much easier to do this after living with and listening to a completed version for a few days.

And so another 'album' has been finished. This one started with the song 'Songbird'2 at the beginning of October 2022, so obviously I haven't been writing particularly fast. I don't have to say that there have been many things over the past two years that have occupied me and made it harder to make original music (especially to write lyrics).

Internal links
[1] 1801
[2] 1546

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
19530/08/2009The world of Henry OrientFilms
50430/08/2012Three emailsHealth, Robert Silverberg, MBA
116130/08/2018Maximum word count for submissionDBA
125530/08/2019Priority tip: beware of linked files when checking in WindbiPriority tips
133430/08/2020Evening ferrySong writing, Andros, Greece

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