Sunday, September 08, 2024

Weekend observations

  • On Friday evening, just after we had finished eating, I heard on the radio "Little umbrellas" by Frank Zappa, from the 'Hot Rats' album. I would never have expected to hear this song on the radio and especially not at the hour at which it was played. Weird.
  • In the pool on Saturday morning, I swam 30 lengths. I looked at my records and saw that not only had I swum this distance in the past, but also that a few times in 2019 I had swum 36 lengths. I didn't write about that here, but I did note1 a few weeks earlier than that record-breaking (for me) swim that I swam 32 lengths . Of course, I was younger then, but also I was swimming only once a week. Now I swim twice a week, so my aggregate distance this year exceeds that of any previous year.
  • To finish off the weekend, we held our first band practice for several weeks last night; this was the first chance that I have had to try out the overdrive pedal2 that I've arrived a month ago. It is very noisy and dirties the sound excessively, much more than I would like. I only used it on a song that requires noise ('Wonderwall') but this is very disappointing. Maybe I will find a setting that adds overdrive without the attendant noise.
  • A few days ago I decided to expand my blog manager program so that I could also maintain data from 'the other blog'. Creating an empty database but with the same structure was easy, primarily because only one table has an autoincrement primary key that had to be set. Getting the program to access the correct database on start up was not straight forward, but I got it to work. Entering the first few blogs was very difficult, as the 'choose tag' dialog box expected values. Somehow I got past this hurdle and now I'm entering the various blog entries. There are only slightly more than a hundred blogs so this shouldn't take long.
  • I didn't notice until I had posted my last blog entry on Friday, but 6 September 2005 was when I wrote my first blog. As I wrote then3, What is this blog going to be about? Mainly music (that's why my year of birth is important as it colours my attitudes to music), but also computer programming, books and films. Certainly no politics. Is it going to be interesting? I certainly hope so - as long as you're interested in the same things as I am. I doubt that I have written about films in the past few year, and unfortunately I've had to write about politics, but otherwise, nothing much has changed in the past 19 years.

Internal links
[1] 1252
[2] 1798
[3] 1

This day in history:

Blog #
The Rotters ClubLiterature, Canterbury sound
More Hatfield, Jonathan Coe and Ben TrotterLiterature, Canterbury sound, James Taylor
Richard Thompson - You?Me?Us?Richard Thompson
March-June 1974, my gap year part 6Israel, Kibbutz, Gap year
Ikigai - a reason for beingPersonal

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