Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Is this the government that we deserve?

Joseph De Maistre (1753-1821) wrote “Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite.” [Every nation gets the government it deserves.] I wish that were true, but at the moment in Israel, we certainly don't deserve the current government that is generally regarded as its worst and certainly the most extreme that this young country has ever known. The task of the government is to improve the lot of its population: whilst it might have improved the lot of maybe 10% of Israel's population but for the rest of us, it's taken us maybe twenty years into the past.

The current outrage is plan to fire (once again1) the defence minister, not because he is bad but because he is too good and does not agree with the Prime Minister. So much for having a democratic government when the real decisions depend on two extremists, Ben Gvir and Smotrich, and eventually on the wife of the Prime Minister. Who elected her????

I cannot understand the other ministers of the Likud party. Have they lost their consciences (assuming that they had a conscience to begin with) or are they too mainly consumed with retaining their position? After 7 October, the Justice (sic) minister felt very bad about the fact that the reforms (sic) that he initiated to ruin the country's judicial system gave our enemies the false belief that Israeli society is so split that it can't function effectively. That bad feeling didn't last very long because he soon returned2 to the public stage.

And as for Gideon Sa'ar, the man who is touted to join the government as defence minister (despite having no military background) - he used to be full of integrity. The tv news last night showed several clips of him from the past few years saying that he would never sit [again] in the same government as Netanyahu, and even showed a clip of him signing a document to this effect. I and probably many others do not understand his being open to 'dance with the devil' again despite having spoken many times against this.

Well, we have always been at war with Eastasia3.

Somehow we have to endure another two years of this government, paradoxically the only one in the past 20 years that will serve a complete term.

Internal links
[1] 1596
[2] 1701
[3] 1563

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