Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Belated birthday present

On Sunday morning (1 Sept), the CEO's secretary phoned me. "Happy birthday!" she enthused. I was slightly taken aback by this as my birthday was at the beginning of August, not September. It turns out that her records show my birthday as 30-08 and not 03-08. Whatever. She told me that the company now has a policy of giving birthday presents and mine was awaiting me in the chairs factory. She also asked how 'back to school' was: I could proudly inform her that one grand-daughter was starting school that day and that the newest grand-daughter was starting at a crèche (she only lasted until 10:30). My son informs me that she stayed for only 3 hours the first two days but that he expects her to last longer today.

So what was the present? As opposed to most of this type of present, it's actually useful: a thermally insulated bag in which to put one's lunch box, and a thermally insulated water bottle. My first thought that this would be ideal when I go to Tel Aviv, but then it struck me that at the moment I know which bag is mine in the fridge at work by its colour, and that if everyone uses the same kind of bag then no one will know whose is what (so I'll have to put a tag on the bag). Unfortunately people move the bags around in the fridge so one can't always go by original placement.

While I was at the factory, a few people tried to guess my age. "60?", they said. When corrected, they didn't believe it as apparently I don't look my age. As I say, "60 is the new 40" and one is only as old as one feels - and I feel fine (28 lengths in the swimming pool on Saturday; I feel that I could have swum more had I wanted to - and that's already a 40% increase on my usual swim). I didn't say that working from home for the past 3½ years and not travelling saves a great deal of mental wear and tear.

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
40103/09/2011Financial reportMBA, Finance
62303/09/2013Frederik Pohl, 26/11/1919-02/09/2013Literature, Obituary
106803/09/2017Casualty - one (tv series)TV series
125603/09/2019Priority tip: another thing to be aware ofPriority tips

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