Friday, September 13, 2024


Almost exactly six months ago, I had my first (of two) vaccination for shingles; there's been quite an amount of raising public attention for this in the past few years. Indeed, my dentist tells me that she had a case of shingles recently as did my dental hygienist. Anyway, the vaccination was painless and I had no side effects. Maybe two months ago I had a vaccination against pneumonia; I was vaccinated five and a half years ago after my last case1 of pneumonia, and I thought that I was now covered. No, the nurse said: then you were younger than 65 and now there's a new vaccine for the over 65s. Again, the vaccination was painless and without side effects.

So I wasn't expecting anything different when I had my second and final vaccination for shingles yesterday. How wrong could I be. This time I felt a little twinge during the vaccination itself, and by the evening my arm was aching slightly when I raised it. I didn't have a good night's sleep, tossing and turning, so when I got up this morning I wasn't feeling particularly spry. I had two recurring dreams: one was trying to explain to someone the all-white key scale that starts on F (this is F Lydian, with the sharpened fourth, but I couldn't remember the word 'lydian' in the dream), and one was about improving something in the management program (it's already been improved so my ideas were for naught).

I was fairly worn out after walking the dog around the kibbutz then shopping; I realised that there was no way in which I could go swimming as I was totally drained. Numerous cups of tea and the odd sandwich have sustained me until now, 24 hours after the vaccination, when I am starting to feel normal again. My wife (who was vaccinated along with me) has had similar symptoms. Fortunately I didn't have anything to do today (the OP is on holiday in Romania) so I could just "veg out" in front of the television.

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[1] 1203

This day in history:

Blog #
Using dbExpress - conclusionsProgramming, Firebird, dbExpress
The Ministry of Health enquires about MY healthHealth
New Year greetingsJewish holidays, Israel, Kibbutz
Potassium levels in foodHealth, Food science

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