Friday, September 06, 2024

New goggles

I haven't been happy with my swimming goggles over the past few weeks; they were a cheap pair that I bought several years ago, and tightening them so they don't let in water is becoming more and more of a problem. So I decided to order a new pair from Temu - obviously much cheaper than I could buy locally and better designed.

They arrived at the beginning of the week, and I prevailed upon my wife to remove the bone conduction headphones1 from the old pair and transfer them to the new ones. Today was my first chance to use them in the pool, and they are far better than the pair that they replace. They fit snugly and I don't have to pull at anything in order to tighten the band.

After coming out of the pool, I decided to take a selfie whilst still wearing the goggles; this came out very well. The headphones can be seen: the one on the right (my left) is hard to see but the other one can be seen clearly. If one looks closely, one can even see the light green pad that actually conducts the music.

Shades (pun not intended but happily accepted) of Blade Runner: one can look into the lenses and see what is behind me. One side shows what apparently is called a 'lifebuoy swim ring' (I've totally forgotten what I would have called this when I was young) and the other side shows a picnic table.

I wouldn't say that the goggles made me swim better, but they certainly aren't hindering me, and after last week's epic swim, I swam slightly more than I normally do on a Friday (I'm limited by time) in less time than I normally do. I am looking forward to tomorrow's swim. The first few lengths are still an effort, but then the machine locks in and the lengths seem to melt away like butter in a frying pan (terrible metaphor).

Internal links
[1] 1587

This day in history:

Blog #
The happiness formulaPsychology, Martin Seligman
At riskMI5, Stella Rimington, Liz Carlyle
At risk/2MI5, Stella Rimington, Liz Carlyle
Late November/December 1973: my gap year, part 4Israel, Kibbutz, Gap year
Central sleep apneaHealth, CPAP
A legacy of spies 2/How old is George Smiley?John Le Carre
What a weekend!Delphi, Musical instruments, Weather, Swimming
The ink black heartCormoran Strike

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