Saturday, June 09, 2007

The happiness formula

Turned on the television a few minutes ago and started watching a progamme on BBC World called "The Happiness Formula" (although I didn't realise this at the time). At first I didn't pay too much attention, but when I did, I realised that it was about making people feel happier, a subject which I have had need to read about. The books which I have read were written by American pyschologist Martin Seligman, and within a minute to my surprise (or maybe I wasn't too surprised) and pleasure on screen appeared Mr Seligman himself.

The programme talked about things which can make us happier (marriage, community) and things which we might think make us happier but don't (children, money). For someone who has read Seligman's books, this wasn't too much of a relevation, but I imagine that it was for "The man in the street".

The programme finished with Seligman being offered a challenge by the Scottish government: to improve the national level of happiness (as defined presumably by the results of psychometric tests) by 15% within a few years. I intend to follow this, as I wouldn't mind my own level of happiness being increased by 15%.

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