Saturday, June 22, 2024

Today's successes

If a week ago I could write about disasters then I suppose that today has to be about successes.

I spent most of Thursday listening to the temporary mixes of the new song, "Another sleepless night". As the day wore on, I became less and less enthralled of the recording and so vowed to rerecord the vocals. Yesterday I devoted what might be called a marathon session (from about 3:15 pm till 9 pm with an hour off for dinner) to improving the song. 

The first thing that I did was lower the starting key of the song from G down to F. Then with the tune playing in my headphones, I rerecorded the vocals; The tune was necessary to help me get used to the new key. Having heard the song for a week, I was now much more familiar with the tune and so the resulting vocal was less tentative and more forceful. That said, I again had problems with pitching the opening line of the final verse and so I recorded it against the accompaniment of the first verse as for some reason this was easier. It didn't help that I changed the words to the final two lines in the middle of recording so these two lines had to be punched in.

I then created a composite vocal of all the parts and started mixing. I must have made 30 different mixes, at first trying to get some reverb and brightness into my voice, then reducing the reverb and brightness. I also made a very slight change in the music, having it end with a triplet fill (something like 'The rumour' by The Band). Previously the triplet fill was there but it was masked slightly by a pad fading out; I faded out the pad a bar or two earlier thus better punctuating the end.

Eventually I obtained what I thought was the correct balance then left it overnight. When I listened to it again this morning, I could hear that the vocals in the first part were slightly too loud and not quite bright enough, whereas the vocals at the end weren't loud enough and also needed an extra touch of brightness. So I made the necessary adjustments and finally produced a mix that is exactly right.

Or so I thought. When I transferred the song to my mobile computer and played it via MediaPlayer, it was over-bright. Could this be a function of the player itself? The song sounds fine via VLC, so I'm not going to mix it again.

Swimming went well. On Friday I swam 12 lengths before I stopped for a rest and then continued for another 8, thus reaching my target. This morning I swam the entire 20 without a break and then swam an extra 2 for fun. There were slightly fewer swimmers this morning compared to yesterday; as I have noted before, fewer swimmers allows me to swim better, albeit more slowly. 

After showering etc., I got down to work on a thorny problem in Priority. I have a convoluted problem that is made up of two major steps, where each step is composed of two minor steps. The first half was working fine, but there was something wrong with the second half. As this is dependent on a form trigger, I can't really debug this during the working day, but on a Saturday morning no one else is working so I can check and make as many changes as I need to. Eventually all my misunderstandings were cleared up and now the problem is fixed.

We have band practice in the evening. For some reason, the singer wants that we work on a version of 'Wonderwall'. Last week we worked on a song called 'Fly away'; the entire song is composed of a four bar loop and is exceedingly boring.

This day in history:

Blog #
President's ConferenceDan Ariely, President's conference
Open air bus (Sicily log 3)Holiday, Sicily, Italy
Vinyl log 15 - 22 JuneRichard Thompson, Vinyl log
Delphi: components array vs controls arrayDelphi
Remedial swimming lessonsSwimming

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