Friday, June 21, 2024

Mitigating disasters

A week ago, I wrote about two disasters that occurred. I am pleased to say that they have been overcome.

With regard to the PayPal scam, both PayPal and my credit card company recognised the attempted transaction as fraudulent and so did not honour it. I still haven't heard from the company in Australia from whom the goods were ordered, but I presume that they too have ignored 'the order'. I also received my new credit card, the replacement for the one that was left in Rodos

I'm still receiving 10-20 spam emails a day; instead of immediately deleting them, I have taken to unsubscribing from the various sites that are sending the mails. This was fine with letters in French, Spanish, Polish and Norwegian (!), but I haven't had much luck with those written in Russian, Mandarin and Arabic. I've been copying parts of these emails into Google Translate in order to find out what the 'unsubscribe' button is but this hasn't always been successful.

As for my XP computer, I waited a few days before taking the computer to the repairman. It turns out that there is a problem with the motherboard, which is very old. He suggested transferring the disks to one of the computers of a comparable vintage that are being discarded by the OP as they have been succeeded by more modern computers. 

These days, I only use that computer for email (from one address), programming and making music, but I don't want to transfer to more modern versions of these programs. I am considering deleting material from the fixed hard disk and transferring files from the extra hard disk (F).

Almost immediately I worked on a new mix for 'Another sleepless night' and transferred the final version to the laptop. I'm listening to it now: the vocal is a bit wobbly (don't forget that I didn't use pitch correction) and sounds very dry (no reverb). I couldn't find a reverb setting that I like. Maybe another remix in the future will fix this.

This day in history:

Blog #
Dubrovnik log 7Holiday, Dubrovnik
Circumetnea railway (Sicily log 2)Holiday, Sicily, Italy
AutoharpMusical instruments
Neat hack - but is it useful? (Management program)Programming, Delphi, SQL
MetabolicalNon-fiction books, Erythritol, Nutrition

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