Thursday, June 13, 2024

Another sleepless night (new song)

On 23 April this year, I laid down a chord sequence for a new song. I don't recall what led me to that specific sequence; the only thing that I do remember was a YouTube video saying that one of the common mistakes for songwriters is to have every section of a song begin on the same chord. OK: I had a little introduction with the chords E and F#, but the song would begin with G. 

Over the next few days I played with ideas, at one stage blocking out a version whose arrangement was based on an old song of mine. Then presumably I saw a David Bennett Piano YouTube video that discussed songs with irregular phrase length; as this new song was based on four bar phrases, I added a fifth bar after every phrase.

We then went to Italy, where I thought a little more about this new song. When I came back, I started a new arrangement in which the bass was playing a 3-3-2 rhythm and the piano was syncopated. After a while I added four iterations of a four bar loop as an introduction; what is special about this is that the four bars/chords (D Bm C Am) are not the first four bars of the verse itself, but rather bars 2-5; the verse starts with a G chord. 

I had noted that especially in the past few songs that I have written, all the lines have the same number of syllables, so I was determined to change this. After two iterations of the five bar sequence (and these two iterations are not exactly the same), I put in a new sequence based on diminished chords and a different phrasing, thus avoiding the chromatic mediant cliché.

The bridge - based on a ten bar sequence - begins in G# minor, so I'm ensuring that each section does not start with the same chord. As I didn't want the bridge to lead back into the verse with another repeat of the E/F# phrase, I had to add a few new bars to smooth out the return modulation. This extends the bridge and makes the sequence even less regular.

Since then I've been working on and off on the arrangement. As I've probably written before, a lack of words means that I toy with the arrangement, possibly excessively so. Last weekend I added triplet drum fills and changed the pad accompanying the instrumental solo. I think that's enough!

Lyrics! My original idea was to write something about ambition and what happens when that ambition is thwarted (does that sound familiar?), but then noticed that I had written a song a few months previously with the perfect title for what I wanted: 'Dreams turned to dust'. I couldn't realistically write another song with the same title and I was disappointed that I had wasted the title on a set of made up lyrics that are based on nothing. For the last few weeks I've been trying to write something but nothing much has been coming.

A few days ago, the following couplet presented itself to me

I sometimes hear you cry In the stillness of the night

Yes, I thought, I could definitely do something with that. In a sense, that couplet is similar to the opening couplet in 'Looking for his tribe': as I wrote at the time, this song (LFHT) starts with a sort of non sequitur that sets up the song. 

Yesterday I had the time and space to work on the song, and I managed to complete the first draft of the lyrics. While I was writing, I had already began the process of improving what I had already written. Sometimes this is simply replacing placeholder words that I have no intention of keeping and sometimes it's using more expressive words. As I don't keep my drafts and don't have the draft function (or whatever it's called in Word) turned on, I don't recall what I replaced. There exists the possibility that more changes will be made before the song is recorded.

For reasons that I don't recall, the bridge has a ten bar section repeated, so naturally I had to write sufficient words for this. At one stage I thought that if I don't have enough to say then I can place a solo over one set of those ten bars. As it happened, I did indeed find sufficient words and I have to admit that I quite like them, although I am aware that some of these lines could be improved (but some not - 'combinations manifold' is a superb line!).

Debating pros and cons Calculating sums Combinations manifold Too many outcomes Minds are numbed Childhood faces, adult friends All mixed up in the dream Who's forgotten, who remains No one's left on the team So it seems

I started off without a title, but during the writing it became clear that one line '(Yet) another sleepless night' should become the title. The 'Yet' was added to improve the scansion, as it's simply a phatic word. I have no doubt that these words were partially inspired by my last sleepless night.

This day in history:

Blog #
CryptonomiconComputer, Cryptonomicon
London log (3): ERPERP, DBA, Holiday, London
Traveling (Sorrento log 1)Holiday, Sorrento, Italy
Shopping (Sorrento log 2)Holiday, Sorrento, Italy
Incorporating guitar into recordingsMIDI, Reason
dvd recorder problemsDVD
First swim for this yearSwimming
Primary aldosteronismHealth, Apnea, Blood pressure, Aldosterone
Preparations for Bari videoHome movies

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