Saturday, June 15, 2024

Today's disasters

As usual, I accessed the emails sent to my personal email address. Once upon a time, there would be 20 emails a day that I would receive from various musical mailing lists, but now most of these are inactive, so 10 emails a day is now a huge amount. I was told that the program was downloading 128 out of 1225 emails! Obviously something was wrong.

Somehow one of my computers has been hacked. Most of those emails were obviously rubbish; some were asking me to authorise my attempt to create an account for one service or another. I was in the process of deleting all of them when I noticed that there was an email from Paypal, informing me that I had authorised a payment to some company for $666.36. Apparently I had ordered a computer to be delivered to an address in Australia.

Obviously this is false. I connected to Paypal and through them sent a message to the vendor denying the order. Then I was back in Paypal and ordered them not to honour the payment. I saw in my Paypal mailbox three messages trying to authorise this payment, each message on a different credit card that I have registered at PP - including the card that has been cancelled. Naturally I removed the non-existing credit card and changed my password to something that I'll never remember. 

I also saw a message on my mobile phone informing me of the debit. Customer service will be open from tomorrow morning so I'll speak to them then. I hope that this doesn't mean that the card on which the payment was made will be cancelled. I have yet to receive the replacement for the lost card.

After breakfast, I started work on recording vocals for the new song, "Another sleepless night". This went more or less ok. I had recorded a rough vocal the day before, but this was when the air conditioner in my room was working so there was a lot of background noise; I also sang wrong words here and there. The idea of the rough vocal was to help the real vocal with the phrasing.

Then I went swimming. Yesterday's swim was quite painful around the shoulders so I was hoping that today would be better. Indeed it was; I swam 10 lengths without stopping, had a short breather, swam another 6, another breather and finally another 4 lengths - 20 in total. My goal for the next swim is two sets of ten lengths each.

After coming home and showering, I continued to work on the new song. I could hear that very little pitch correction was required - only on a few lines in the final verse. After doing this and turning the vocal into stereo, I considered how I could bolster the repeat of the second half of the bridge. I had just completed this when ... the program told me that it couldn't find the file. Then it couldn't find any of the files that comprise the song.

It turns out that the computer has "forgotten" that it has a disk F on which all of the song files are stored. As I wrote a few weeks ago after having come back from Italy, I discovered that my XP computer would not boot. I got the computer fixed but about a week later the same problem occurred. Now is not quite the same: the computer boots but one of the hard drives is being ignored.

Turning the computer off and then on again (aka 'a hard boot') reveals that indeed the same problem has occurred - the computer can't boot. I imagine that the BIOS has somehow lost its definitions. I don't want to disturb the computer man today - it's Saturday, the Sabbath - but I'll contact him tomorrow to see whether this is something that I can fix. He lives on the other side of the kibbutz and it's a pain dragging the computer over there.

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
8415/06/2007More songs with odd time signaturesFairport Convention, Albion Band, Time signatures
17915/06/2009Better late than neverJoni Mitchell
48415/06/2012Hvala vam što ste mi pomoci (Dubrovnik log 1)Holiday, Dubrovnik
59715/06/2013Sophie HannahLiterature, Olivia Williams, Peter Robinson, Ian Rankin
71915/06/2014Due Golfi train ride (Sorrento log 4)Holiday, Sorrento, Italy
86515/06/2015Ashley Hutchings, MBEFairport Convention
123315/06/2019Swimming debutSwimming

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