Sunday, June 23, 2024

Donald Sutherland, RIP

Canadian actor Donald Sutherland died a few days ago, aged 88.

As obviously I didn't know the man himself, I only have the many films in which he appeared to remember him by. I'm not sure when was the first time that I saw him on screen; my sentiment wants to say that it was in M*A*S*H, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I saw him first in 'The day of the locust' (playing a character named Homer Simpson).

Other early - for me - roles include 'Klute' (released in 1971 but I probably saw it many years later), 'Animal house', 'Ordinary people' and especially 'Eye of the needle'.

Over the years he popped up in many films that I have in my collection, but one iconic non-film appearance is as Wilhelm Reich in the video for Kate Bush's 'Cloudbursting'.

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