Wednesday, June 07, 2023

When life gives you lemons ...

This is a proverbial phrase used to encourage optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity or misfortune. I, however. mean it literally. Way back when in April, I wrote for about a month, I've been buying lemon-lime flavoured water from the kibbutz shop. It seems that I bought their entire stock and they haven't managed to source any more. They do have grapefruit flavoured water sweetened by erythritol, but I don't like grapefruit (apart from the taste, grapefruit and statins don't go together) and no one is buying this. As a result, I've returned to the former type of flavoured water that I used to drink; more calories, and with my erythritol experience, it's too sweet.

We have in the garden a lemon tree that has given us a good yield this year. There are more lemon trees scattered around the kibbutz, and they, like mine, drop ripe lemons every day onto the ground. Under the guise of keeping the paths clean, I pick up some of these and take them home and so we have plenty of ripe lemons in our fruit basket. Yesterday it was as if a light went on over my head: I poured a glass of cold water, added a tablespoon of erythritol then squeezed some fresh lemon juice into the glass - instant flavoured water! And at a much lower price. I intend to drink this mixture for the next few months.

I should point out that my wife squeezes lemon juice into lukewarm water without sweetening; I don't like drinking lukewarm water and the lemon juice is too 'sharp' on its own without tempering.

So, when life gives you lemons, drink freshly squeezed lemon juice.

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
36607/06/2011Post mortem on the HRM examMBA, HRM
59007/06/2013Barcelona log (2) - In search of GaudiHoliday, Barcelona
104007/06/2017Rodos log 3: Filerimos and the Valley of ButterfliesHoliday, Rodos, Greece
114207/06/2018Italy 2018 - Travelling to TorinoHoliday, Torino, Italy
132207/06/2020Is it OK to have a PhD thesis with shortcomings and inaccuracies?DBA
151007/06/2022Italy 2022: LecceHoliday, Italy, Bari

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