Saturday, June 17, 2023

Swimming update

Every year, I try to start swimming by gradually increasing the number of lengths that I swim and by decreasing the number of breathers that I take. My plan for yesterday was two sets of ten lengths, interrupted by a breathing break, but when I got to the tenth length, I felt fine, so I continued until I reached my regular target of twenty lengths without a break. Today I repeated this, although the swimming was slightly more painful than yesterday; this is probably because there were more swimmers today, something that causes me to swim faster, leading to neck ache.

Today was also the first time that I tried out my new swimming headphones. I hadn't bothered until now as I was still concentrating heavily on pacing and breathing and was in no need of distraction. Attaching the headphones to the band of my goggles was frustrating: it took three attempts (mainly by my wife) to get them aligned properly. I will leave them attached to the band forever so that we won't have to go through the attaching problem again. Once I had put the goggles on by the pool, I also ensured that the headphones were placed properly then made a long press on the 'on' button. Tinny music leaked from the headphones. Once in the pool, I found that I could hear much better when my head was submerged than when it was out of the water; this was disconcerting at first. I think that the right headphone wasn't situated properly on a bone as I couldn't hear much from that side (does bone conduction work in stereo?). For some reason, the songs played in a completely random order, if that's not a contradiction in terms. When I got home, I connected the phones to the computer and checked the directory structure: it seems fine.

I drank a glass of vinegar water before I left home; I have no idea if this had any effect. Rereading the explanation of the hack, it seems to make sense only before eating, not before exercise. I'll have another look through the book 'Glucose revolution' to see if there's any recommendation about pre-exercise. I have an appointment with a nutrionist in a few weeks so I'll bring up the topic there.

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
60017/06/2013Edinburgh log (4): Loch NessHoliday, Ian Rankin, Edinburgh
72117/06/2014The Amalfi coast (Sorrento log 6)Holiday, Sorrento, Italy
104517/06/2017Business rules with functions (2)Priority tips

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