Friday, June 02, 2023

Two extremes

As today is the first Friday after 1 June, the swimming pool opened today for 'health swimming' (it was opened a few times in the afternoon in the last few days). I didn't expect the water in the pool to be warm, but I certainly wasn't prepared for the ice bath that awaited me and my fellow swimmers. I doubt that the temperature was below 15°C, but it felt very cold! It took me a few lengths to get used to the cold, keeping my head out of the water at first. As this was my first swim of the year, my arm muscles weren't up to the task of swimming, so after 10 lengths I called it a day. After all, I'll be returning tomorrow, and each time the swimming gets easier. I didn't take my new headphones as I knew that I wouldn't be swimming for long.

Fast forward a few hours and the temperature outside is steadily rising. I am writing this at 16:15, and the temperature outside is only 41.2°C. I haven't been out since I returned from the pool at 9 am, and I don't know when I'll be going out again (to walk the dog).

People don't feel absolute temperatures, but rather comparative temperatures: if the water felt ice cold this morning when the air was only warm, I hate to think of what it feels like now to go from 41°C to 15°C. That certainly will cause thermal shock!

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
58602/06/2013My blood pressure may not be as high as previously suspectedHealth, Migraine, Blood pressure
113802/06/2018New chic shoesShoes
139302/06/2021My 'friends', the virusesHealth
150402/06/2022Senecio lives!Personal

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