Saturday, July 20, 2024


I was thinking about qualifications and degrees the other day, noting that I had received no word from 'my' university. So I was pleasantly surprised when I received a letter yesterday, saying "The Research Degrees Committee met recently and confirmed the examiners recommendation to award you a Master of Research (MRes) degree". There was another letter attached to this that leaves me slightly bemused.

I am delighted to see that the Research Degrees Committee confirmed at their July meeting that you have completed the requirements for the Heriot-Watt University MRes degree. You are to be congratulated on an excellent performance and I trust that your life can now return to something approaching normality.

I wonder how much of this letter is formulaic and how much was written specifically. If I am to be congratulated on an excellent performance then couldn't have you gone a bit further and award me a doctorate? After the events of the past nine months, how can anybody's life [in Israel] return to something approaching normality?

A few weeks ago, I said to my wife that eleven/twelve years ago I was ecstatic to be awarded a master's degree; now I am disappointed to be awarded another master's degree. As we say in Hebrew, the bigger the expectation the greater the disappointment. And to think that a year ago I was considering starting a third master's degree.

This day in history:

Blog #
1971 was when the music came togetherHabonim, King Crimson, Van der Graaf Generator, Tom Wolfe, Yes, 1971, Dave Evans, Music festivals, Jack Kerouac
Alarm clock mp3 playerClock radio
Vinyl log 19 - 20 JulyVan der Graaf Generator, Vinyl log, 1972
Back to the beginningDBA
More on Movie MakerHome movies
The end of the country as we knew it is fast approachingIsrael

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