Tuesday, July 16, 2024

More computer woes

On Friday morning, after finishing whatever tasks I had on hand, I performed a Windows Upgrade on my Win 10 mobile computer. The upgrade completed but the computer would not restart. I turned it off and on again, resulting in the "Preparing automatic repair" message being displayed. The computer prepared and prepared but after twelve hours, it was clear that the automatic repair was not going to happen.

As this was the weekend, I decided to contact my computer technician only after a few days had passed. Last night he told me that there was a problem with the hard disk that he was trying to fix; first he would copy everything to another disk then presumably reformat the disk, so this is going to take some time.

This computer has had an unfortunate history with hard disks: five years ago, the computer slipped off my desk, ruining the hard disk. At the moment, it is simply inconvenient that I don't have that computer. I am working all day (and writing this) with the mobile computer from work so at least nothing there has been affected. This computer has only two usb ports, one of which is permanently used by the mouse (I don't like touchpads on computers) so that gives me a little less freedom. I tried using the usb distributor that I bought many years ago (four sockets) but this doesn't work very well as apparently my devices draw more current than the usb port can supply.

I've copied the blog manager and database programs from Mega to this computer: the last backed-up entry was about Donald Sutherland, from 23/06/24, so there's only a few entries missing. I suppose I could enter those then backup the database.

As usual, the motto is 'wait and see'. 

No 'day in history' today because apparently I have never before written a blog on 16 July. There's always a first time.

Icing on the cake: I lost my housekeys whilst walking the dog, and even though I've gone over our walk three times, I haven't found them.

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