Saturday, June 04, 2022

Senecio walks up the rear garden stairs

Today I just had to wear my new shirt and grab a picture walking up the rear garden stairs. I'm not taking the shirt with me, otherwise we'd have to suffer a series of pictures entitled 'Senecio walks around the old town of Bari', 'Senecio in Lecce' and similar.

There's some weird English written underneath the signature of Paul Klee that also appears on the front of the shirt: "[Art is combined] but with flowers, not with rocy [sic] causes but with ultimate values, not with sex but withisom [sic] not, yunparis [sic] vii [sic] with human nature but with human being. Art is life (riverstone)".

If there is one thing that I detest, it is grammatical errors in t-shirt English; here it's not even English. Presumably "withisom" is supposed to be "with wisdom", but I have no idea what "vunparis vii" is supposed to mean. Also presumably the comma after 'not' should be before it.

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