Friday, June 10, 2022

Running up that hill (a deal with God)

To many people's surprise (including herself), Kate Bush's song "Running up that hill" has made a remarkable come-back after 37 years, after having been featured in some hit television show. The lyrics are a bit obscure, but basically Kate wants to make a deal with God, and get him (God) to swap places between Kate and her loved one, so that they can better appreciate life from the other's point of view.

You don't want to hurt me
But see how deep the bullet lies
Unaware, I'm tearing you asunder
Oh, there is thunder in our hearts
Is there so much hate for the ones we love?
Tell me, we both matter, don't we?

We could all do with a bit of swapping places with our loved ones. As I have commented more than once, my wife has problems with her legs; she has undergone a knee replacement on one leg and is about to undergo a bone fusion operation on her other leg. As a result, she walks very slowly whereas I like to walk fast; going on holiday and walking around places can be very difficult.

Last night (and also the night before), the big toe on my left foot hurt somewhat. The first night it wasn't too bad, but last night it was so painful - and still is - that I was barely able to sleep at all; every touch of a sheet on the toe made the constant pain even worse. At the moment I can barely hobble around our hotel room - so we have swapped our places,

I think that this is my first attack of gout; there are several things that agree between what I feel (and know about my blood levels) and what is written in the linked wiki. My father suffered from gout for years and took a prophylactic to prevent it; the article says to try ibuprofen. So I will have to wait for a pharmacy to open in order to buy such pills; I normally never take NSAIDs. 

I wonder whether we are going to do what we intended to do today, as I can barely move and I barely slept. Kate's song is more than apt.

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