Saturday, November 19, 2022

DBA update

Just over a month ago, I sent an updated version of my thesis to my supervisor, and since then I've been waiting for his response. In the mean time, I learnt how to create an automatic list of tables and of figures, in a similar manner to the automatic table of contents. I also added some more material, especially to the 'conclusions from the data' section of the thesis. Since then, I've been waiting....

The supervisor's response came on Tuesday, so on Wednesday I set about implementing most of the changes that he requested. These were primarily writing about how I mitigated biases in the research and moving one section from the concluding chapter to a new 'research design' section in the methodology chapter. This new section also received new material about how each case study is going to be conducted, i.e. a description, a list of documents, a list of interviews and the interviews themselves. This allowed me to use a word that is new to me - quadripartite

I also completely excised a section in the results chapter that examined the pilot study in terms of the model that had been developed from the case studies. I understand his point of view, but there were also some interesting points that arose from the pilot case study.

Today I devoted some time to creating a document that listed the changes requested after my unsuccessful viva examination. I had most of the answers at my fingertips, but there was a request to discuss the interview questions and their development in the methodology chapter. I had done this a few days earlier in response to a similar request from my supervisor ('moving one section from the concluding chapter' that I wrote a few paragraphs ago alludes to this), but it leaves me somewhat uneasy. The final development of the interview questions was carried out after the pilot study, so to me this seems to be putting the cart before the horse. 

Reflecting on this now, what I think they mean is 'discuss where you got the ideas from for the original interview questions'. Using the 'rubber duck debugging' technique, I now realise that there were two sources: one was my original thesis (although I think that it would be a good idea not to mention this) and the second was the five models of engineering change that appear in the literature review. I will add this now to the thesis and the 'changes document'.

I hope that I will get a quick turnaround from my supervisor as time is running out.

This day in history
Blog #DateTitleTags
64819/11/2013What's in a name?Israel, Personal
90419/11/2015Even dogs in the wildIan Rankin
118619/11/2018E dorianSong writing, Music theory
127419/11/2019The luxury of digital recordingMIDI, Kibbutz, Song writing
144119/11/2021Tables in Word documents opened in a threadProgramming, Delphi, Office automation
155319/11/2022DBA updateDBA

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