Sunday, May 05, 2024

Milano: another mixed day

First of all, something left over from yesterday. I didn't see any at the Duomo, but the area around the castle was full of scam artists. The two usual scams - the threads and the roses - were in evidence, although I didn't see any takers. There was also a photographer who wanted to take people's photographs; at least he didn't take the pictures first then demand money for them.

The plan for today was to travel to Como that hopefully would be better than Bellagio. We got to the central train station without problem, but after I found the correct queue to buy tickets and then got to the front, I was told that there was a strike in Como. What does this mean, I asked? Well, you might be able to get there but you might not be able to get back. I decided to pass on the opportunity. I then went to find my wife who I had parked in a certain place within the station - but the station is huge and it took me about twenty minutes to find her. We then did a little shopping in the bottom floor of the station.

I looked at my map to see whether there was any information about shopping; no, but I did see that there was a tourist information centre outside the station. So we went outside, into the strong sunlight, where I found the centre and was pointed to a long boulevard. We started walking down this boulevard, looking for somewhere to eat as well as somewhere to shop. The road seemed somewhat familiar which is when I realised that we had travelled down it on the bus ride from the Duomo. We arrived at the Republica station and I suggested that we go 'home', have lunch, rest, do some research about shopping then set out again.

This is what we did. My research led us to the Tre Torri (three towers) shopping centre. Although this isn't too far away from where we are, getting there was problematic as we had to take one train three stops (from Gambara to Pagano), change platforms to go backwards (the red line splits at Pagano; we were on one side and we needed the other side) to Lotto and then change to the purple line for two stops to Tre Torri. Getting to the shopping centre was one problem; finding the children's clothes shop Jacadi was another problem. Eventually I did find it so my wife spent some time (and money) there buying something for our youngest grand-daughter.

After she finished, we had what might be termed an interesting meal of chicken teriyaki with broccoli, tomatoes and whole grain rice. I didn't touch the tomatoes and found the rice not particularly tasty. After we finished eating, it was back down the metro and three trains in order to get home. There must have been a football match on at San Siro stadium, as there were plenty of football fans at the Lotto station where we changed trains. Maybe they were going to San Siro as Tre Torri is two stops before Lotto which is three stops before San Siro. Whatever.

Today I walked in excess of 18,000 steps. I don't have the kilometrage yet, but yesterday I walked 14,690 steps or 11.64 km, so today must be around 14.8 km! My back hurts. [15.10 km]

This day in history:

Blog #
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One gets what one pays forHeadphones, Gadgets

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