Sunday, November 07, 2021

La Rossa

I'm still very high on my discovery of the 5/4 bars in VdGG's "La Rossa". The elongated bars make perfect sense when looking at the prosodic elements of the song as these bars highlight the 'if we made love now' lines. 

I wondered whether these flourishes are maintained in performance; I don't have handy a recording of this song from its time period, but at the moment the three piece band are touring in Scandinavia, and as luck would have it, a version of "La Rossa" was posted a few days ago. 

I have to admit that I don't like live VdGG very much; Hammill especially seems to ruin the songs that were so carefully wrought. 'Fortunately' his contributions to LR are almost inaudible, with Hugh and Guy putting out a tremendous sound. 

I listened closely to the middle section, and as far as I can tell, they played the rhythmic structure as it appears on record. I found it easier to identify the different bar lengths, and maybe I'll be able to transcribe this portion of the song, after all.

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