Monday, February 10, 2025

1900 blogs

This milestone crept up on me without drawing undue attention, but now we're here, let's look at the past 100 blogs. Blog #1801 was written on 12/08/24 so that's just under six months, or put another way, about 17 blogs per month. That's even faster than the blogs from 1701-18001 that took seven and a half months. What are the topics that interested me?

Or in tabular form

PositionTagCountPrevious positionAll time position
2Blog manager program14-37
7John Le Carre5-43
8Jasmine Myra414103
11Song writing41112
14Mobile phone3-35
15Musical group31046
16Non-fiction books3-41
17Richard Thompson3-48
21Time signatures3-95

It's very interesting that there's little correlation between the previous set of 100 blogs and this set. There are clearly summer topics, such as holiday, Italy and swimming that didn't get much of a mention this time around, but other than that, there's not much to conclude. It's interesting that there are 20 programming blogs, of which 14 are about the blog manager program and 12 are about Delphi (actually, there are 11 blogs marked as both programming and BPM, along with 11 marked as programming and Delphi - this means that not all of the BPM and Delphi blogs are paired with programming). I don't have - at the moment - any way of further analysing this. Here's a new topic for the blog manager program!

Actually, the BPM  is capable of finding which of the Delphi blogs are not also tagged as programming. The query pictured on the left says "find any blog from 1801 onwards that is tagged as Delphi but is not tagged as programming". As the opening quote suggests, there is one such blog - 'Something that I should have learnt a long time ago in Delphi' that I wrote2 a few days ago. I imagine that I didn't tag this as programming because it discussed a simple visual form definition. In a similar manner, I found three blogs3,4,5 about the BPM that are not tagged as programming, because they are discussing the BPM in a general manner without showing any code.

Internal links
[1] 1800
[2] 1898
[3] 1816
[4] 1829
[5] 1874

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
23310/02/2010Licensing a song/2Randy Newman, Song licences
54810/02/2013Pictures from a balconyPersonal
80810/02/2015The Beatles, Apple and meBeatles
111010/02/2018Yoni Rechter and the PhilharmonicYoni Rechter

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