Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Ninja chicken (2)

Today was the turn of chicken drumsticks to be cooked in the Ninja grill. The recipe (if it can be called that as it's so simple) requires that the air fry option be chosen, as for a whole chicken. After drying the drumsticks, brushing on them a thin layer of canola oil and sprinkling on them some oregano, the drumsticks were cooked for 10 minutes at 200°C, turned over then cooked for another 10 minutes.

It is recommended not to cook more than six drumsticks at one time; I cooked three, more as a test than as a complete meal. Canola oil is used because the smoke point of olive oil is 180°C and is liable to break down and cause smelly by-products at this higher temperature.

Again, the primary saving is in cooking time; I would often cook the drumsticks for an hour and a half (albeit at 180°C) although this is probably too long. I would also cook potatoes with the drumsticks - something that is missing here. I meant to put a halved potato in with the drumsticks but I forgot.

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