Sunday, December 22, 2024

Another BCC excised

Following my appointment with the dermatologist1 in September, today I had the BCC on my back excised. The doctor/surgeon was not the doctor that I remembered; my first dermatologist was American and this one was Russian.

Following my bad experience2 at the dentist a fortnight ago, I mentioned what happened in the consultation prior to the excision. The doctor was skeptical but agreed to use a minimum of local anaesthetic, Lidocaine. When the time came, she poked me in five or six locations around the BCC but used only one ampoule of Lidocaine. As usual, the excision was very simple, and even the discomfort from the stitching was minor.

I feel slightly worn out, a few hours after the excision, but that could also be due to the fact that we had band practice last night and I slept only about six and a half hours. It'll be an early night for me tonight. Most importantly, I haven't reached the depth of weakness that I felt after the dental appointment.

Internal links
[1] 1814
[2] 1869

This day in history:

Blog #Date TitleTags
15322/12/2008Firebird fliesProgramming, SQL, Firebird
78722/12/2014Writing a paper on spreadsheet researchDBA, Excel
109922/12/2017Celebrating the Winter Solstice with Yoni RechterPersonal, Yoni Rechter
145222/12/2021Janis IanJanis Ian

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