Saturday, April 06, 2024

Defining collections on the Kobo

I've been transferring epub files to the kobo and removing the corresponding mobi files that I originally transferred. As per the kindle, I would like the books to be in collections, making it much easier to find a book, or to read all the books of a given author. This is much harder to do on the kobo than on the kindle, primarily because the kobo apparently allows a book to be in more than one collection.

When I first started with kindle collections, I wrote I wondered whether there was a PC program which could do this when connected - indeed there is. After downloading the program, I started assigning books to collections; eventually I hope that every book will be in a collection which will make locating books much easier. Once most of the books were assigned to a collection, it was much easier to add a book manually to a collection as I added books to the kindle.

Unfortunately there is no similar program for the kobo; the ebook conversion program Calibre handles a little bit of collection management, but I couldn't get it to do more than create collections per author. As some books have the surname, forename format and others have the forename, surname format, a few duplicate collections were created. But more importantly it seems as if Calibre doesn't assign books to collections.

Eventually I hit on a method that was somewhat painful, but should get easier as more books get assigned. I choose a collection (e.g. Neal Stephenson); let's assume that initially no books have been assigned to this collection. I press on the three dots that are on the right hand side of the line that has Filter and Sort on it. A menu appears with three options: cover view, manage collections and manage downloads. I press on manage collections. This brings up another screen that is almost the same, but instead of manage collections, Add Books now appears; I press on this. Now a list of all the books on the kobo appears, with the legend page 1 of 363. The kobo displays only six books per page; more books would mean less scrolling. I press on the Filter button and choose unread - less books are displayed. It's a shame that there's no option to display books that have not been added yet to a collection. I then scroll through the books and press the + button to the right of each appropriate book; the 'adding' count at the bottom increases. When I've finished choosing the books, I press on the save button in the bottom right hand corner.

I've just discovered that choosing the cover view option, eight books get displayed on a page instead of only six. Here comes the most important trick: I press the ... button underneath each book and choose the mark as finished option; at the same time the filter for this collection is set to unread. This causes the books to 'disappear' (not really), but more importantly, when I go to choose books for another collection, I filter by unread books; thus all those that I've already marked don't appear, thus reducing the population from which I choose.


This day in history:

Blog #
The night of the long knivesRedundancies, Downsizing
Dave Stewart/Barbara Gaskin - Green and BlueRichard Thompson, Peter Hammill, Randy Newman, Jackson Browne, Canterbury sound
Back to bloggingDBA, Jewish holidays, Cooking, Mobile phone
Maybe I'm doing it wrongMulti-track
Days of Corona (3)Personal, Psychology, John Le Carre, Covid-19
Recording 'Wonderful days'Song writing, Home recording

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