Saturday, September 24, 2022

New Year greetings

As I wrote six years ago, by chance, it happens that the evening of the new Jewish year [will] fall on Sunday night; as a result, most people have a very long weekend - from Friday until Tuesday inclusive (or if you prefer, my last working day was on Thursday 22/9 and my next working day will be on Wednesday 28/9).

I've got a few bits and pieces to do for the daily job and for my consultancies; I also want to devote several hours to my doctoral thesis, and as a result, I hope that I don't have too many idle hours.

Yesterday and today I worked several hours for the OP; yesterday had some more clever ideas for the 'ERP' program, and today I worked on a statistical analysis program, calculating both z-values and correlations for people who have taken our flagship exam twice. Is there much difference between the two exams? The z-values don't show anything statistically interesting, but the correlations for some scales aren't very high. Due to the fact that some people took the exam twice but don't have values for all the scales both times (because we added some scales at a later date), I couldn't use my usual code for calculating means and standard differences. I had to use a very painstaking method which is also v-e-r-y slow.

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