Friday, August 21, 2020

New CPAP machine (part 2)

After nearly a week with the new machine - I uploaded the statistics file to the manufacturer's website in order to see the statistics. As I noted previously, the data is presented in the form of histograms, but clicking on a bar will give the numerical data. I am very pleased to see that most nights there have been four or less apneic events per hour, which is very good. This is probably more to do with the new mask than the new machine.

I developed a very simple spreadsheet into which I added the data: this is a bit awkward as the web site shows data per type of event (hours of sleep, apneas, leaks), what might be termed a vertical presentation, whereas the spreadsheet and my CPAP data program require a horizontal presentation, i.e. all the data for one date together. It took only a few minutes to copy the data into the spreadsheet and a bit longer to write a new module in my CPAP program to read the spreadsheet. Now that I have data, I will try to read the statistics file directly in order to discern any structure.

As for the 'CPAP pillow' - I don't have much to say about this. It doesn't seem to make much of a difference and it's not that easy to get the mask to lie in the cutaways. I'm going to continue with it for the time being. Strangely, its firmness doesn't seem to matter at all.

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