Thursday, February 19, 2009

Increased production

Again, a few weeks of silence, which normally means that I've been working hard. During January there were a few personnel problems at work which cast a very dark shadow over my future. Fortunately these problems have been resolved, and the past few weeks have seen me developing programs and reports, creating work procedures, instructing people, and generally moving the company forward (or at least, lessening the backwardness which was present in certain circles).

It's hard to be specific about what I've been doing because it won't mean much to someone outside of the company (and sometimes won't mean much to someone inside the company), but basically I see it as an end to the Dark Ages!

A web site which I read frequently is called 'The Daily WTF', which tells of "curious perversions in Information Technology". Normally the pages consist of badly coded procedures and odd error screens, but the other day a column was posted which spoke very much to my heart. Although I found the entire column very pertinent, I'll just quote one snippet:

It’s not easy to reconcile the fact that the software we write each and every day is, for all intents and purposes, mind-numbingly boring. Magazine subscription management. Medical billing reports. Realty inventory management. This is not the type of software that changes the world. In fact, it probably won’t even put a smile on someone’s face. Its sole purpose is to add to the bottom line by making other workers be more productive.

That's always been my goal: to add to the bottom line by making other workers more productive. My work of the past few weeks has been to make them productive, and to help them produce more correct work.

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