Friday, June 08, 2018

Italy 2018 - Getting to know Torino

Just as I finished writing yesterday's blog, there were several bangs in the sky: a thunderstorm had started. Sometimes the rain came down heavy, sometimes light: it was clear that we would not venture out of the flat! During the course of the evening and the night, we discovered that however good our flat is, there is one thing that wasn't mentioned: the area is very noisy. My wife says that the streets didn't get quiet until about 3am. This evening there's been a very loud blues jam (primarily mouth organ) which started at around 6pm and shows no sign of finishing (it's now 9:15pm). We have had to close all the windows and still we can hear the 'music'. Very annoying.

There were still a few drops of rain falling this morning when we went out, although they cleared up fairly quickly. We walked along the main shopping streets - Via Roma and Via Po. The latter street was disappointing: I thought that there would be many modern shops but in fact it was very old fashioned. Via Roma has many international chain shops and was more up to date. We also went through a few huge piazzas, especially Piazza Castello. We will be retracing our steps tomorrow when we go to the Mercato di Porta Palazzo, which is a huge outdoor market.

We had a very disappointing late lunch in the train station; in order to compensate, we've just eaten fresh spaghetti, sauce, salad and tuna, all courtesy of our local supermarket. I cooked the spaghetti.

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