Thursday, May 03, 2012

Some MBA metadata

At yesterday evening's session (where we went over an old exam question discussing the performance of a company which has branches in Britain and America), I acquired some MBA metadata:
  • 24% of the students who took the Finance exam with me in December failed outright
  • A further 7% received a conditional fail (this means that they scored between 45-49%; under certain conditions this might become a pass)
  • Several of the students who are studying Strategic Planning with me are also studying Project Management and are finding it extremely hard (or rather, finding that the lecturer doesn't lecture very well).
The Finance results are interesting. Apparently, quite a few students memorised the multiple choice questions which have appeared in previous years. Out of the 20 MCQs which appeared this time, only one had previously appeared, so these students were already at a great loss. Apparently they hadn't bothered attending the lectures or hadn't absorbed the material (and we had a good lecturer). I don't know who failed - I haven't seen most of the students from that course since.

As regards Program Management, I was fortunate in that a Scottish lecturer came and gave us three extra lectures. His material was highly illuminating and basically sorted out the entire course. I'm sure that those who attended his lectures did well in the exam (as did I). I will give my fellow students my notes, but I suspect that they won't derive as much from them as I did (given that the notes are in English and in my handwriting). Perhaps I should give them a tutorial.

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