Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nobel prize winner visits MBA

Wednesday evening is MBA evening this semester; unfortunately I seem to have been cursed and have managed to make only five out of eight meetings.

While waiting for our lecturer to appear, I noticed further down the hall a tall and distinguished gentleman holding a conversation with the lecturer in Economics. It took me a moment to place his face; unless I am much mistaken, I was looking at Professor Daniel Shechtman, who won the 2011 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. 

This is most peculiar, as I can't imagine why such a distinguished academic would show his face in a somewhat run-down institution (whilst we learn a British curriculum run by a British university, our lectures are held in an Israeli college whose rooms have seen better days), especially as we are a business school and he is pure science. Maybe he was a childhood friend of the Economics lecturer?

To my regret, I didn't approach him, primarily because I had nothing to say to him except 'what an honour'. And what if it wasn't him? 

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