Saturday, June 04, 2011

Human resources management

I've been fairly quiet about my current MBA course, Human Resources Management. As far as the university is concerned, this is an optional course (the degree consists of seven compulsory and two optional courses), but as far as the Israeli Council for Higher Education is concerned, every MBA degree must include an HRM course. So I view the course as mandatory.

As I may have written before, about 50% of the course material is contained within the Organisational Behaviour course which I have already passed, so there is a certain familiarity with the material. In absolute terms, this course is only between a quarter and a third of the bulk of OB, so there isn't very much to learn anyway. What there is to learn seems fairly unstructured which makes learning it slightly harder.

In the past, I have complained about other exams requiring memory regurgitation; Project Management and Marketing spring to mind. As our lecturer says, HRM is a true second degree subject: one is given a text (some kind of personnel report) and then one has to comment upon it. In other words, one has to know and understand the textual material, but exam answers will require knowledge and understanding of the material, without necessarily quoting large swathes of it (of course, quoting the relevant material will award extra marks).

The exam will be held on Tuesday morning. I am fairly confident (I'm certainly not in the same mental state as I was prior to the marketing exam) but I am also wary of not treating the subject with sufficient respect.

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