Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A twilight health stage

To quote Michael Covington, "The astute reader will surmise that I'm working hard on something other than writing blog entries". I wish this were true about me. I have been suffering from a presumably viral infection that frequently elevates my body temperature (but never to more than 37.5 degrees), makes me cough on and off, and generally leaves me listless without causing any great pain.

It's also the holiday season in Israel. Last week we had four days off from work (wed-thur-fri-sat), although Wednesday was a 'compulsory' day which will be deducted from my holiday allotment. Next week there are two days off and again the week after. This is an ideal time to go somewhere for a holiday, and indeed, next Monday morning we (my wife and I) are flying to Prague for a week, and then continuing to Malta for another four nights. I hope that I feel better before we go.

I'm not exactly busy at work which is just as well as I don't think that I have enough strength to cope should the need for my services heat up. I'm too well to stay at home but not really well enough to be at work: a twilight health stage.

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