Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Apres le feu

Since Monday morning, the office staff at work has been working out of our old offices. Miraculously, there was no damage done whatsoever to the building, and all the equipment contained within worked immediately without any problem. We don't have mains electricity yet - and probably won't have for some time, as the main line was cut on the night of the fire for safety reasons - and so all the electricity which we're using comes from a generator. This is being turned off every evening at 6pm and turned back on again at 7am the next morning in order to save money. Whilst nobody is in the building during those hours, there are machines which normally run all the time - fax machines and servers - and turning these off every evening is annoying. We give the fax machine a "follow me" instruction every evening so that the faxes go elsewhere, and backups (which normally run in the middle of the night) are now run first thing in the morning.

It seems that we won't be staying in this building much longer. Alternative temporary sites for production have been found, and one of those sites contains office space. So maybe in two weeks we'll be moving, until a permanent site is found. Once the insurance people have finished their work, I imagine that the factory building will be demolished and the area cleared. Then a new building, more modern and more suitable, can be built on the area.

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